![Ludhiana Architects Association](images/logo.png) |
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The aims and objectives of the Society for which it is established are as under:
- To bring all the qualified architects of city on a common platform.
- To discuss various problems concerning architectural profession.
- To interact with various concerned departments regarding improvement
in environment & profession.
- To create public awareness about role of the architect.
- To understand mutually code of conduct & professional ethics.
- To promote the role of architect in rural & urban development
- To develop & control various slums in & around Ludhiana by suggesting low cost housing solution.
- To provide eco-friendly environment to reduce the pollution.
- To suggest the effective measures of preserving the old monuments already existing in city.
- To work, together to protect the interest of title "ARCHITECT"
- To have active interaction with higher professional bodies e.g. Council of Architecture and Indian Institute of Architects.
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